Monday, January 14, 2008

Parent Group Night.

We had our 6th parent night tonight. :) (We have the meetings at the BVC/midwife building, btw.) There were only 2 families there. :D It was Fredrik, Leia, and I, and then another mom and her baby Oliver. :) He is 3 weeks younger than Leia, and he is 100g (3.6 ozs) bigger than Leia.. :/ :) But he was a lot bigger than her when he was born. It was sorta sad that none of the others were there, but it was sorta nice as well. :) For most of the time we all just sat and talked, and then we watched a short video about giving food to little ones, and then we had some cake, and then we chatted some more. :) And she is one of the ones, like us, that never says anything, so we all got to talk plenty. :)

I feel horrible, but I don't know her name!! :/ :) But she is starting school tomorrow.. :/ :) Which reminded me that I wanted to try to sign up for a couple of classes. So, we'll see about doing that some time. :/ :)

But I suppose that there were plenty missing from the last group meeting, too. The one we missed while we were in the US. The next one isn't until March. So, hopefully many more will come, with the babies being older. Leia is one of the youngest ones, so most of the babies are around 4 months old now. I'd love to host a party and invite everyone over to the house for a brunch, a party, or for one of the meetings.. but I could never initiate something like that.. :/

Last night was a fantastic night with Leia again. :) She slept from 19.00-02.00, and from 02.15-06.45. Another 11½ hours. And she has slept a little on and off today. I still think her teeth are bothering her. She is having trouble sleeping during the day, but she is dead tired all the time (she wants to sleep, but fights it). Still knawing on her hand, etc. She isn't really interested in playing with her toys, and she complains about sitting by herself. But she is talking up a storm. But it isn't as bad as it was on Saturday.. :/ So, I hope it is getting better for the time being. I was really hoping for a little while before we were going to have to worry about teething stuff.. :/

Not sure about Pappa, but I am dead tired.. :/ :) Not sure when I fell asleep last night, but I don't think it was too long after 22.00!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of her sleeping schedule!!!Hope she feels better soon. We love her:)