Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Leia wouldn't go to bed tonight. And if I can't get her to bed, then she doesn't sleep. Fredrik can't get her to sleep any longer so it is my job. She's been cranky since after-nap lunch. She slept until after 7 this morning. She was great this morning and we had another fun "construction" walk. She went to sleep well today and slept 3 hours. She woke up happy and lunch started fine, but sometime in the middle of lunch she got angry and started screaming, and screamed until dinner.

She ate dinner well, she had a whole bowl of mashed, steamed veggies, some salmon and potatoes. She was fine after dinner and happy and had a nice bath-time. But now she is in her crib screaming.. :/ I don't understand babies. Even though I've taken care of god knows how many.. I've never, ever seen a child like Leia before. I have never seen a child that is so moody. I just hope that she grows out of it. :/

Fredrik is going to be working in Mellerud, at the aqueduct. Mellerud and Åmål are the only two areas where he is NOT supposed to work. Last summer he measured in Åmål for houses, and now it seems like he is going to be working in Mellerud. Not sure what he is going to be doing.

Not that much else going on. :/ Just busy with baby things and house stuff. Lots of laundry today and dishes to do after dinner. And I managed to do a little Swedish today.


The Jagielski Family said...

It took me a while, but i am all caught up! WOW! Lots to deal with now, huh? Leia is beautiful- that is waht makes it all better at the ned of the day.Just look at her sparkling eyes and that should do it for you!

The McDonald's said...

Trade can have Trenton and see if there is any comparison. He's extremely a four yr old. We have 2 thories right now, he's too smart and gets bored and doesn't know what to do or he's extremely smart with a touch of OCD/ADHD, more towards the hyperactivity part of ADHD. We are worried about him in Kindergarten and I keep thinking it's just his age.

yams said...

she could be teething again too..since thats something that can happen till they're all in. :)

Hillary said...

Thanks Carie..! At least it is good to know that other children can be moody, too. Of course you have parents that like to give the perception that their child is absolutely perfect.... All children are moody at some time or another.

I think Leia is at the point where she wants to be independent but still wants Mommy, too. And she isn't sure what to do with that.

I'm sure Trenton is just going through a phase, too. We think that Leia gets really bored too quickly as well. :/ Her little mind is always going, and she's been that way since birth.. :/ :)

The McDonald's said...

Trenton has been that way since birth as well...jeezzz my 8 yr old can be moody and she's not even PMSing yet, but sometimes it feels like it.

Yes, I know all too well about those parents. I dealt with one concerning Allyson last yr at school. I gave her a piece of my mind...

Trenton is still going through the "I want to be independent, but only when it's nice for me" stage. I don't remember it starting before he turned one, but every child is different. Trenton would get really bored in daycare and that actually got him in trouble...still does at times. They will go through stages and moodiness will come and go.