Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sore throat.

I woke up with a sore throat this morning. :/ Leia didn't get up until 08.00.. :/ :) I'm hoping that she isn't getting sick, too. :/ We haven't been sick since we were in the US in January.

Raining like crazy today.. :/ Fredrik was very pleased that he mowed yesterday, because it doesn't seem like he would have been able to this weekend.

We went on a walk this morning anyways.. even with the rain. :/ :) It was just sprinkling when we left, but then it started raining lots.. :/ We were gone an hour and absolutely soaked when we got home. Leia went straight to bed, Fredrik and I got into some warmer clothes, and I curled up on the couch with some tea.

The park behind Leia's daycare, where they will spend a lot of time:

It is very hilly, lots of grass and trees. Perfect for sleding in the Winter. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice area. We didn,t get to see the back of the center.