Monday, September 22, 2008

A sign that it is cold in the house??

Leia loves scarves. :/ :) She started wearing her socks around her neck, so we gave her a scarf. :)

She's walking now. :) Not completely, but very, very close. :) Makes me angry that we didn't push her more, because it didn't take much effort to get her going. We pushed her last night, and then today she started walking around on her own.. 5-6 steps here and there and her balance has increased greatly. By this evening, she was doing great and she is very, very proud of herself. :)

Tomorrow I get info to start my SPCS class, computer course for book keeping. I'll meet with him early evening, Fredrik will come home early from work.

Her poor little nose.. :/ She has sooo much snot and nasty stuff. :/ Her nose bleeds because the boogers get so stuck to her nose, that when we take them off, it leaves a scab. :/ There is just so much coming out. It has been that way for over 2 weeks now. :/ We gave her a bit of the saline nose drops to try to help make everything loosen up and run out easier, but I don't think it is helping. Because of her nose she couldn't sleep today, and she only napped for 45 minutes. :( So her nose is an endless problem right now. She screams if you try to clean her nose, and if you clean it, it bleeds, but if you don't clean it then it just gets worse.

The construction work is almost done.. :/ :( They put a second layer of dirt on today and "patted" it down. Soon they will be paving and then they will be going. Nothing fun for us to watch anymore on our walks. Leia loves looking at the machines. :)

Leia let me sleep in a little longer this morning. :/ :) She played in her playpen quietly while I dozed in bed. :)) Sometimes she'll only play for a few minutes before wanting breakfast, other days she lets me sleep. :))

We've been giving her 12 month cereal. It is.. the same mush (gröt) that she's been eating, but it has real cereal and oats mixed in. We figured that it would fill her better and she would eat less, but she still eats 2 servings. Or I'll fix 1 serving and she'll get a banana too. I've had to increase her nightly milk serving. One night she drank 14 ounces (420mL). Right now she gets 8 (½ formula, ½ cow's milk) during the day, and at night she is getting 10 ounces (2 ounces formula, 8 ounces cow's milk), and she even gets a snack and juice before her bottle. She is doing well with the cow's milk. She is liking it.. as long as it is warm. :/ :) The child has a black hole in her tummy.. :/ :))

She gets her water through a straw now, too... she drinks it better that way. She loves drinking through a straw. :/ :) She's really good with it too, she's never lost a drop. :) But she tries to sneak her hand in her cup.. :/ :D She will be drinking, and all of a sudden you'll see her little hand raise up and she tries to dip her fingers down in her cup. She is quiet and she keeps eye contact.. sneaky little booger... :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!! She is walking!!!!! She looks so sweet in the pics. Yes she is a booger:)