Sunday, September 14, 2008

More fun.

Today was a lazy day. :P We spent the day in playing and watching movies.

We had Fredrik's eye appointment yesterday.. or well.. we were supposed to have had Fredrik's eye appointment yesterday.. :/ :)) We showed up at 13.00.. and the appointment was at 12. :/ :) Oops. He was certain that it was at 1. :/ But they couldn't reschedule him for another 2 weeks. I was able to get my appointment though, which was nice. In Sweden they have a different system of registering eye sight than they do in the US. And the poor woman working had NO idea how to convert the Swedish to the American. :/ She asked if she could keep my paper and then mail it to me in a few days after she figured it out. I told her that that would of course be fine and I feel bad of course, having to make her go through all that work. :/

After that we had Thai for dinner. A nice dinner for my 6 years in Sweden. There isn't much to choose from in our small town of Åmål, but at least we really like the Thai place and we don't mind going there over and over again. :) Chicken with curry and peanut sauce for me. Super yummy!

I got a cute video of Leia today. She was taking toys in and out of a toy box. That is a "big thing" for her now. She likes to empty things and then she puts things back!

A day last week, there were a couple of dirty shirts laying on her bedroom floor. She went to them, picked them up and took them to her laundry hamper and she lifted her arm up over her head (while standing) and dropped them in. :) But then she got angry because she wasn't tall enough to look down in the hamper and see the shirts inside. :/ :)) Now if we could only teach Pappa to do the same !!!

She dusted today! For the first time. :) She took a tissue that we had been using to wipe her nose and she started rubbing it on the coffee table. :) It was very purposeful. She would do each shelf and she was very careful. Fredrik said it really isn't too surprising, with as often as she sees us wiping the kitchen counters.

She is starting to better understand the purpose of things and how things work. Which makes everything so much more fun. :)

After she turns 12 months we'll have an appointment for her 3rd vaccination shot. We hope to weigh her then and measure her, to know how big she has gotten!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so engrossed in what she is doing!!!! Love watching her walk on her knees:) We miss the Thai restaurant:(