Today, Leia and I baked chocolate chip cookies. :) A whole bunch of cookies. In the box from Mormor and Morfar, we received some vegetable crisco, and so today we used some to make some cookies. :)
And tomorrow we are going to go to IKEA. Fredrik is determined that we write out a list of what we want, so that we don't forget anything. :)) And then we will go to the COOP construction store and buy some radiator protection coverings for Leia's room and for the living room. We think it will make the living room look a lot nicer. The radiators are the first things you see when you walk into the room and they aren't so attractive.. :)
Leia pulled off an orchid petal and stuffed it into her mouth.. :/ :))
Whenever she sees something new or exciting or Caesar, she gets very quiet and a very serious look on her face and she mouths things. She is sooo cute when she gets very serious. :))
It is a bit weird when I think about.. that she was in my tummy... :/ :D
She is an extremely happy baby. There isn't anything you can't do that she won't laugh. :) She sleeps extremely well at night and then she takes a morning nap without any trouble. In the afternoon we always try for a second nap and sometimes that goes very okay, and other times it doesn't happen. She just wants to play instead. :) We don't have a set schedule, but we definitely have a routine. :)
Right now Pappa is giving Leia her bath. She gets one every other night. She loves her bath time. :) She will sit in the tub and splash the water and play with a few toys.
As soon as you lay her on her back, she rolls over to her tummy. She definitely prefers to be on her stomach.
My studies are okay ... I've not been able to get ahold of my Swedish teacher. Which is making me very angry. I'm going to take another computer test next week. My computer teacher and my bookkeeping teacher have been fantastic. I haven't been able to do anything with the Swedish teacher as I can't get ahold of her.
Every now and then I regret taking classes. I feel stressed and overwhelmed. Afraid that I won't be able to get through all the work. That feeling comes and goes. I think a bit of it is because I know the best and only way to learn a language is to sit in a classroom with others, and I'm not sure if I am accomplishing anything with the Swedish class. But I know that I am learning plenty of new words with the other classes. But at least it is giving me a little something to keep my mind going, like Mormor said. I can feel like I have something "adult" to do, instead of playing with toys and watching cartoons and not having much of adult conversations during the day... With this I am keeping my brain going a little.
Angelica, the American in town, invited us to her son's birthday party next weekend. So Fredrik and I will be going to that! We are very much looking forward to that. :)
We have plenty we want to buy tomorrow. (Too much, probably.) A new step-stool for the bookshelves, as the one we have has paint all over it, 2 bar stools for the kitchen, 2-3 pictures to put above the DVD shelves, some extra shelves for the bookcases, some tin pots for my idea with the breakfast room (for the wall), and some other things, too probably.. We decided to take the trip to give me a chance to get out of the house.. :/ :) And give us something to do together. Something besides watching a movie. :)
More tomorrow, I'm sure.. :)
It is an amazing thing that those children come from our bellies. She is completely different from the very beginning and I'm glad everything is going so much better for her and you guys.
Thank you. :)
Like I told Vicki on MySpace:
It is too late for returns or exchanges from the hospital.. :D So I guess we'll keep her. :))
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