Friday, March 28, 2008

Presents from Carie.

A couple of days ago we got a box of presents for Leia from our dear friend Carie in the US.

Leia loves her Baby Einstein. :))

So adorable! :) The dresses will probably fit next summer, but with how fast she is growing, it wouldn't surprise me if she could wear them this summer.. :D

Carie is a teacher in the US Air Force and she just graduated a class yesterday. She now has 11 days of deserved rest before the next class starts. :)

Thank you so much, Carie! :)


The McDonald's said...

Your welcome! I'm glad your like them. I got them big so she can grow into them. I saw that book and CD and instantly thought of you. I get to go to AL while I'm on this break for a conference dealing w/work and Terry leaves for Wisconsin sometime this weekend...we're waiting for the call. We are hoping he gets back on April 6, the day before I leave or else the kids go to our friends house.

Anonymous said...

The dresses are so pretty. I am so tired today:) mormor