Some new pots for the office room. I thought they were different without being TOO much. And some Spring flowers to add some nice color.
And.. going to a greenhouse, you're going to have mostly older women ... and they are all going crazy over Leia..... Which is nice, but slightly annoying.. :)
We received an Easter box from Mormor and Morfar today. With some Easter candy, some American baby food for Leia (lots of different flavors they don't sell in Sweden), a few late Baby Shower presents for Leia, an adorable Easter dress that Leia can wear Easter Sunday before her Christening, and 2 onesies that I ordered for Leia.
When I saw these, I had to buy them... :D
They were expensive, but adorable. :)
We plan on going to IKEA this weekend. We are going to make the long drive to Karlstad and try to accomplish some things. Not sure what to do with Leia.. :/ :) She is too heavy to carry, but too small really to sit in a shopping-cart. So, it should be interesting. :/ :) Might have to make her learn how to sit in a shopping cart.. :))
But the bookcases look much better:
I still don't have any of my hundreds of books from the US. I really wanna ship them over. :/ They have M-bags, where you can ship media (books, sheet music, CDs, DVDs, etc) for a slightly lower cost than normal, but it would still be extremely expensive. So I've been thinking about boxing them on a couple of pallets, and shipping them over that way.. :/ I really want them.. :/ Or maybe I can find an American in Ohio that is moving to Sweden that is paying for a cargo shipment and I can pay for some space in their container and get my books that way...... :D
And our next parent group is on Monday, so I should sit with Fredrik and we should decide if we should try to host a party for our parent group people. We are thinking more people might come if it is a party-type thing... Hmmm.. we'll see.. :/ What do you think?!
Leia has been sleeping for a little while, her second nap today, and now I need to try to get some things done.. :P
I love the idea of hosting parties...even if it is for a parent group. It should be fun. Probably a lot more relaxing. I love entertaining...more reasons for getting out because I don't have time for it now. I loved the idea of going to LaLeche Groups because Trenton and I got to go out and meet other moms and babies...but I couldn't do it all the time then soon realized that I didn't need the support to nurse. BTW-I love the book cases.
I think it would be fun, too. We would love to do it, we just have to decide if the others would be into it.. :/ It would be very Swedish for them to think that we are trying to think we are better than them. So by hosting a party, we would stand out and be different, and that is bad!!!!!
But I do think it would be a good way for everyone to open up and talk more. No one really talks at the meetings, other than when called on.
We'll see, we'll probably talk about it more this weekend and make a decision about just talking to those in charge and see what they think.
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