February is going by with rapid speed. Maybe to make up for how long it took for January to finish?
We've lived here for almost 10 months.. :/ Doesn't seem like we've been here that long. :/ In about 8 more months, we'll have lived here as long as we lived in Nävekvarn.. :/ We have to stop moving.. :/ Although with having a house now, we are a bit more content and stuck. Which is a good thing. :) And Fredrik really likes his job.
There are a few things we miss from his old job. The unlimited amount of contacts he could have in construction is worth its weight in gold. And even though his days started really early, he still got home earlier in the evening and had ½ days on Friday, which was really nice.
He barely has 2 hours in the evening with Leia before she goes to bed. So, it is only Saturday and Sunday that he really gets to see her. But he will soon start taking off Mondays for his Pappa-leave.
I received my absentee voting ballot in the mail today! For the Ohio primary. Now I just have to decide who I want to vote for.. Clinton or Obama. Very difficult to decide. Universal health care is my main issue. :P Privatized health insurance is possibly the most evil corruption on Earth.. :T
Leia's gums have been bothering her the last week, but yesteray was really bad. I couldn't get her to sleep at all during the day, so she was very grumpy and cranky. But no matter what, she sleeps very well at night. Which we are extremely thankful for. Fredrik and I are still having sleeping issues. He is having trouble falling asleep in bed, but he is able to fall asleep in the couch. And I am falling asleep.. and I am reaching my REM cycles, as I am dreaming some really, really weird stuff.. But maybe my cycles aren't long enough or something.. :/
Tomorrow is Saturday. We have nothing planned for the weekend.
My books arrived at the grocery store (free shipping if we pick them up there), so Fredrik will pick those up after work. And pick up some baby oil for Leia's dry scalp.
Studying is going okay. My ECDL books are enormous, there is no way I can get through all of that in less than 4 months.. :/ We'll see.
The Swedish is easy so far, and not very much to do.
The book keeping is lots of fun, slightly challenging only with the language. It is lots of new words and phrases. Which is perfect - I get to learn more Swedish. I usually learn more from my other classes than from my Swedish classes. I finished the 2nd chapter yesterday. And I'm going to spend the weekend reviewing it. :P Fredrik has been really great at explaining phrases and concepts to me that I can't figure out on my own.
I took a cute video of Leia today. :) She had just woken up and that is when she is happiest and has the most energy. She is really loud and crazy.. :)
Another day of the sun shining and nice weather. It is nice - I can take Leia out with me for the short walk to the mailbox. I couldn't before, because I'd have to bundle her up in tons of clothes first, and that just isn't worth it. :))
The days are getting much, much longer. And the sun is much, much brighter. And of course Leia's room gets the most sun, as she has 2 windows in 2 different directions, the North-East and the South-East, so she has lots of sun in her room all day.. :/ Which is making it difficult for her to sleep, I think. So, maybe Fredrik and I can go somewhere tomorrow and try to get some black felt to put up over the windows for nap-time.
The stuff from IKEA will be here next Wednesday! The 20th! So, we are very, very happy about that. Now there is an IKEA closer (in Karlstad), so we don't have to wait a couple months for delievery like last time.
Here is what we ordered:
Another bookcase for the office room. Can never have too many bookcases. We have tons of books, and I still haven't shipped over my books from the US. Which will be timely and expensive, but it needs to be done.. :/
This will go in the enterance hallway. We were going to try to get something that looked a little older, a little more weathered. And we found something, but it was like... 15 000SEK (2000+$), and that was just a little ridiculous. So, we got this. :) We are afraid it will be a little overbearing in the hallway, but we really need the storage space, since we bought "the house with no closets."
And this is what we got to go in the living room. It will be pretty long (160cm / 5ft+). And we ordered doors for the middle shelves as well. That will go on the wall beside the fish tank, and we will put our DVDs in there, because.. we have a lot of DVDs. :))) And we can separate Leia's viewable films from my.. bloody, gory, violent films. :)) And Fredrik said we have to put on a lock on that cabinet. :))
Even though it is all from IKEA, it was still pretty expensive. But well worth it. :)
Leia has her next appointment on Tuesday. We are anxious for that! Hopefully she has gotten longer, although we are almost certain she has. And we hope she hasn't gone up too much in weight. Right now she is eating 2tsp (tsk) for lunch, of food (usually potatoes and corn), she would probably eat more, but that is all I offer right now. And a couple ounces of juice (~60mL). And then for dinner she eats about 2-3 tbsp (msk)! She LOVES her gröt. And then she has some juice as well. We hope this will help lessen her weight gain so that she can even out a little. :) And we will probably schedule her next round of immunizations.
Now she has woken up (hopefully with a poopy diaper!). More soon!
ασπρομαυρο φορεμα μακρυ
4 years ago
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