Sunday, February 10, 2008

Back pain.

I've been having some really bad back pain the last 4 days. I have no idea why. It aches all the time and then every now and then it will have a sharp pain and I'll have to stop what I'm doing. And carrying this heavy baby around isn't helping either.. :)

Mormor and Morfar sent a box of a few goodies for Leia from their trip to Florida. The shirt's a little big right now but it is really cute:

"My first Florida T-shirt."

And today we dressed Leia up in her expensive Laban clothes, seeing as they now fit her.

There is a dress, too, but we didn't put that on her. :) We thought she was wearing enough clothes as it was. :)

And then yesterday I made semlor bread.

And today the finishing touches. Very, very yummy!

Leia had only a short nap today. She ate an early night-feeding and Pappa is putting her in bed now. Not really that much earlier than normal, now she is going to bed around 18.45. And she usually only wakes up once during the night, still around 03-04.00. And then she has been waking up any time after 07.00, but the last couple of nights she is waking up around 08.30. So, we let her sleep as much as she wants.. :/ :)

She is so easy to take care of. She is happy all the time and loves to play. She sleeps well. She is getting much better at sitting. She is almost to the point where she doesn't tip over at all! She is mastering rolling over from her stomach to her back. And she is almost getting all the way over from her back to tummy. So, she is ahead of schedule with all of that stuff, so we are very proud of her.

I ordered my school books. Expensive. :/ :)) But 2 of the teachers gave me copies of the beginnings of the books, so that I could go ahead and start, seeing as it can take a week sometimes for the books to show up. I've already gone through the Swedish stuff. It is.. easy. :/ I'm afraid it isn't going to be challenging enough. The language is easy and the material is easy. It is just a book and a few questions here or there. In my lower level class, we had 2-3 text books, we read at least one novel at a time, and we constantly had projects to work on. So, being in a small town where there aren't many immigrants - there is definitely a difference in the way Swedish is taught.

Fredrik and I are desperately trying to figure out what we want to do with the living room. :/ There is no electricity in the room. :/ And having an electrician come and wire the room.. would be extremely expensive. (This is when we wish that he still worked construction and could easily find someone with the skill to do it cheaply or for free.) Which, is why we don't have fish yet. We want to move the TV to another wall, but then there would be cords in really bad places. And if we get new couches, then we would have to move the TV, so that is also why getting new couches is sorta pointless now - because we can't move furniture around right now.

So, we moved the chest that was in the living room into the breakfast room, and the chest that was in the breakfast room we carried upstairs in the sitting room. So, now we have a big open space in the living room, which is housing Leia's toys and.. things. Fredrik is wanting to try to find something temporary to put there. We aren't sure if we want a shelving unit, or a chair for more sitting options..

This is when I really wish that I could have a job, and then hiring an electrician wouldn't be as impossible, and then we could get new couches, for much needed sitting options, and then we could get a flat screen TV to put on the empty wall, and we could have fish in the fish tank and we could move the chest back in the living room and it would look pretty.

And then I just get depressed because I can't get a job....


The McDonald's said...

I want the receipe...can you email it to me? They look yummy!!!

Hillary said...

I'd love to share it. :)
I send it out as soon as I do all the measurement conversions!