Monday, October 13, 2008

Upload problems.

I've been trying to upload pictures of Leia's birthday, but Fotopages hasn't been cooperating.. :/ So I'll try to get those up as soon as I can!

And the daily picture of my rotten booger.. :))

1 year old

Leia received so many nice birthday presents for her party, and then she received some in the mail today, too. For the party I made Rachel L's delicious veggie pizza..! It was very good.. Maybe not as good as she makes it, but it was good. :) Everyone loved it. And thanks to Mormor and Morfar for sending an ingredient for the veggie pizza that we can't buy here in Sweden.

But now it is bed time and.. I'll keep trying with the pictures.. :/


Anonymous said...

She looks so cute in the outfit!!! She is beautiful:) The pizza looks yummy!!!!

rednk-n-eurp said...

would that ingredient for the pizza be yellow cheese? John

Hillary said...

No! We found orange cheddar cheese at our local COOP Nära down the street!! We were completely shocked when we saw it.

The ingredient is *real* ranch dressing. Not the mayo-tasting barely ranch flavored dressing here.. :/