Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not a good day.

Took Leia to pre-school this morning and she started crying when I gave her to her teacher. They called me around 11.45 and asked me to come pick her up. She obviously slept 45 minutes for them, but woke up screaming and wouldn't stop and she wouldn't eat lunch. I can't get her to sleep. I have gotten absolutely nothing done today, which I would have if she just was home with me like normal. I am trying to keep positive and tell myself that it will get easier for her, but I know Leia better than anyone... And I know this is how she is going to be with them, which is how she is with Fredrik and I. Now we just have to see if the teachers are willing to put up with it or not, or if they will call me to come pick her up early every day. Taking her there is supposed to start making things better.. not make them worse.


Anonymous said...

Maybe she remembers you leaving her before and she didn't want you to leave. she could have been confused waking up somewhere besides home. This is a HUGE change for her. Maybe 3 hours a day 5 days a week???? Just some thoughts:)

Hillary said...

I agree.. she was probably scared and unsure of lots of stuff. Which I understand. But since she cries so much, I'm afraid the teachers aren't going to want to deal with it or learn how to "deal" with her. I'm anxious to see how tomorrow goes. They will be going for a walk in the forest, and have lunch while out.

The McDonald's said...

Remember it's a transition for her too. She will be ok. Just keep your head up!!

Hillary said...

We completely understand how difficult it might be for her. But there is nothing wrong with Leia, we think she has adjusted very well considering how few times she has been left with other people. It is the workers that we are having issues with. :/

yams said...

i leave vanya for 3 hrs. and so far its been what seems to be the perfect time for this overstimulation and time for her to umgås with us hemma too. i have no childcare experience but it does seem like the teachers at your dagis aren't being as helpful as they could. i know when vanya was getting a bit cranky during inskolning and was there for more than 3 hrs. they put her in her stroller-since i walk her there in it and she napped there and was fine.

anyway, hope u get things resolved with them. even if its that u leave her there for less time. what can u do? sucks though i know.

hang in there!

Hillary said...

Thanks for the comment!

This isn't our schedule!
This is her 'inskolning' schedule that the teachers picked.

And honestly, I think Leia is fine there. When I picked her up on Wed, she was crying. But when I picked her up on Thurday, she was fine. Sitting on one of the teacher's laps just looking around.

The only reason they had me come pick her up is because she wouldn't eat!
Maybe she's not hungry!! :))
She is getting a big tooth in the back, and she doesn't have an appetite at home now, either.

We're not sure what to do at this point. We'll see how today goes.. :/

I'm glad things are going well for Vanya though!

The McDonald's said...

It sounds like daycare workers are the same everywhere. I've has some weird experiences with them too. True if she's not hungry, she not hungry. I've never had one of those phone calls, but I had one that my 1 yr old didn't want to participate in circle time and I needed to come pick him up. And the place that he's at now makes a big deal about him not wanting to participate in Chapel time or song circle. Sometimes they can be really unrealistic....