She actually woke up during the night last night screaming. Was difficult to get her to stop. We ended up giving her some milk. This has only been the 3rd time she's woken up during the night in the last 3½ months, and each time has been during the last 2 weeks. Last night was the first time that we offered her milk during the night, though. So we hope it doesn't become a habit.
She managed to drool a lot today, though. Usually she swallows it all and it makes her tummy really hard. Sometimes then she will spit up and it is just saliva, and it is really nasty.. :/ :) really warm and icky.. :/ :))
I worked on some bookkeeping stuff today. I should be able to take the test soon I think.
Fredrik cleaned up a bit in the cellar and he got the lawn mower working. He had hoped to mow today, but it rained on and off the entire day. Of course all of our neighbors have mowed already, so everyone is probably very annoyed that we haven't yet. :)
Leia is getting very good at moving around. Her crawling gets better and better every day. She can almost lift herself from her back into a sitting position and she can almost pull herself up onto her knees from grabbing onto anything. She's started opening drawers in the kitchen, so it is officially time to baby proof. Although we don't let her in there that often, because the floors are so very hard, they are stone. If she fell, it would.. be.. very painful...
When the floor isn't so cold, we take her pants off and let her go around that way, so she doesn't slip all over the place, then she is usually really fast. :/ :) But then her knees get really dry and red..
But since she woke up during the night last night, she slept much later this morning, and Pappa and I got to sleep in some.
He had a ½ day yesterday, and then he was off today. Very nice having him home so much. :)
We were out yesterday evening, and Leia got to meet our neighbor. :)
She has met her before of course, but that was when she was 2 months old, right before we went to the US. The neighbor wanted to hold her and Leia was fine for about 10 seconds and then she started crying.. :D Stranger anxiety.. :/ :)
Fredrik took Leia on a long walk yesterday, and a shorter walk today.
The first time I've had some complete alone time in... a VERY long time. And it was very, very needed.. :/
Because of the pollen and my TMJ, I've been having some seriously bad headaches lately. Two Advil won't do anything, so yesterday I took 4 Tylenol at once.. :/
Yeah.. I know.. Not supposed to do that.
But it actually took a little bit of the pain away. It didn't make the entire headache go away, but it made it less.
These headaches usually last for days.. and they cause me to not sleep very well. So, anything for a little relief. :/ :)
But now a little more school work before going to bed.
lots of drool is an indication of many teeth does she have? vanya is kinda kinda kinda showing a bit of her first tooth now...she had a bad cranky week last week which we were pretty sure was her first major teething the evidence is this little white bit. wooo hoo!
good luck!
and for our midnight waker upper...we dont give her milk...we keep a sippy cup with water ready and just give her that so that she doesnt expect milk once teeth come in its better to have just water.
anyway...just my observations...just learning as i go along.
I was going to ask you if any of her teeth had come in yet. :)
With Leia, she's had visible white showing through her gums since she was born! :) So.. that doesn't give us an indication on if anything is happening. :/ As of late, her gums have been swollen, on the inside mostly. She hates to have her gums looked at, so it is difficult to get a peek.
We think her waking up is only because of her teeth. As she doesn't do it nearly on a regular basis, especially since it is only happening recently. We usually don't give her milk, but it helped calm her down and probably made her gums feel better from the nipple.
And we think her recent crankiness is part of it, too. And her not wanting to sleep during the days.
At least we are hoping that it is her teeth, as once they get a couple of them through, it is a big relief!
Can you get gel teething rings that you put in the freezer? Those work wonders, she can chew on that and have it in her crib...alternative to water/milk in the middle of the night for fear of her getting used to feedings in the middle of the night.
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