She went to bed at 20.00 last night and woke up at 06.30. Very, very nice to get an uninterrupted night. :) She goes back and forth on if she wakes up during the night.
She has been a little irritable the last few days, though. :/ We think it is her teeth but we don't know for sure. She is whiny and slightly cranky, and she isn't sleeping very well during the day. So, I've been putting her in bed with me during the days and we try to take a little nap together. But she'll be fine and just start crying (with tears) for no reason.. :/ So, we're hoping it will pass. She is still happy, though, and all that. It just comes and goes.
She and I are going to try to go to the Baby Café tomorrow, to get out of the house, and have a scenery change. I doubt it will be anything.. :/ It is from 10-10.30 and then 10.30-11. And I'm not sure which age group is for Leia.. :/ It is 0-10 months for those times, but I think it is broken down again, but I don't know how. So we'll try to show up at 10, and see what happens.. :/ I'm hoping that all the excitement with other babies might make her tired enough for a nap when we get home.
I'll put her in her baby gym, and she crawls out for other toys. I put her outside her baby gym, and she crawls in the baby gym for those toys..... *sigh* .. babies.. :)
Fredrik had decent days yesterday and today, I think. :) It was over a new program for the company to use, to replace one from 1988..... So, he is very, very happy to have the new program and the classes to go over stuff.
Yesterday he went to a baby store in Karlstad to find a cushion for our high chair. But it didn't fit. Same type of chair but different brand. We thought (hoped) it would work. So today he took it back and bought some more onesies and PJs for our little peanut.
He also went to IKEA to get a few things. :) Some candle stuff and flower pots.
When going through Säffle, he bought McDonald's for dinner on the way home. Nice to have something a little different. :))
I just finished chapter 8 for my book keeping, about EU-taxes, returns, and credit collection agencies.
Still haven't gotten the lamp even ... we've sorta given up although we desperately want to fix it.
I guess that is all for now.. :P Probably forgetting something, like always.. :P
These are so adorable!!! Is she laughing out loud?? She really does enjoy her food:)
Cute pictures...very adorable laugh/smile.
Laughing out loud, yes. :)
She was very happy. :))
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