Sunday, March 29, 2009

Time change.

So we finally had our time change last night. So we are back to normal, and 6 hours ahead of my parents. It gets very confusing when it isn't the normal 6 hours and it is either 5 or 7 hours.

Leia slept today at least - which is a good thing. :) It was weird that she didn't sleep yesterday, but we are glad she is napping - it should make her happier. We've decided to feed her every hour. We did that this morning, and it kept her pretty happy. It is almost impossible to make her go every 2 hours when she is behaving normally. So we decided that maybe having her eat something more often, even just a piece of fruit will keep her happier. We have to try every option, right?

At the grocery store on Friday, we did find a couple of Teletubbie DVDs, which was awesome. We have one in English and then another in Swedish/Danish/Finnish. But they are the SAME DVD.. :/ So it was nice to find some different shows, as Fredrik and I are really, really tired of them. Leia likes them and they are educational - so we are trying to not feel too guilty about putting on the TV when she starts getting aggressive or angry. She will usually watch it for awhile, and then start to play with her blocks - or she even turns off the TV and takes the DVD out of the player....

Some pictures from today:

She loves doing her wooden puzzle.

**More pieces under the couch????**

**There's LOTS of stuff under the couch !!!**

I got my driving books on Thursday!
We got a learning set in Swedish. With several books. And then we also got a book in English. I want to be able to learn it in both languages. I will be able to take the test in English if I want. But everyone says to make sure that you can switch between the English and Swedish during the test (written test - on a computer). Sometimes the Swedish is impossible to understand, and the English is in British English - and we all know they have weird words for stuff, so it will be good to be able to switch back and forth between the languages. So I will study, study, study for that. And try to get it overwith as soon as possible.

After the written test, you have to do a slippery course. To practice stopping the car on "ice." And then the normal driving test. But I think they have added an extra course into the whole thing - in order to make extra money. The affects of narcotics/alcohol while driving. Or something like that. It is just a way to make people pay more money. And I am allowed to have Fredrik with me during the slippery "test" and during my driving test. In case I need a translator. It will probably make me feel more at east to have him in the car anyway.

Blah blah blah... on to more cleaning. :P


mormor said...

I love these pictures!!! Her legs look so long when she is laying on the floor:) Did she find "treasure" under the couch???

Hillary said...

There is ALWAYS treasure under the couch. Even though to you and I it might look like empty water bottles, colored pencils, little bits of torn paper, and old, used tissues.....
