Sunday, March 08, 2009

Random Leia stuff.

- The remote controls are named "mina" (mine).

- Her name is now "eia."

- She is afraid of her food being too warm and is hesitant to start eating.

- She likes to lick glass....

- If you ask her if she has "poopied," she will put her hand on her butt and say "nej" (no). Even if she just stood infront of you and pooped.

- Loves building with blocks.

- Caesar is the most awesomest thing in the WHOLE World. And she screams a high-pitched, happy scream whenever she seems him. Needless to say - he hides from her.

- If you ask her where "Pappa" is - she will go into the office and look up at the desk.

- When she's hungry, she runs into the kitchen, points at the bananas and says "nana!"

- She'll eat anything.

- She LOVES peanut butter. Especially on waffles. :D

- Loves birds. Even loves the antennas the birds sit on. She points to the tops of houses and laughs - even when there are no birds there.

- Waves at everything. Trees and cars are her favorites.

- Can't go 5 minutes without sitting and looking at a book.

- Will try to say every word you say to her, even if she miserably fails.

- Shows comprehension of everything we say in both Swedish and English.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is much too smart for 17 months!!!!