I have been feeling a bit depressed, and today I noticed that it was worse than I thought. But I received a phone call and it made me feel much better!
Leia's BVC nurse, Berit, called!
She called to say that they had forgotten to give Leia one of her vaccines! There are 6 and they only gave her 5, so we made an appointment for her to get the last one.
We ended up talking on the phone for about 20 minutes (all in Swedish of course), about my "job," life, family, friends, school and everything else under the sun. She has always been so nice to us and it was really fun to chat with her. She was at work of course, so I suppose she had a few minutes free.
I know I have my English speaking friends that really care about me, but it was nice finally having a Swedish person chat with me for awhile about lots of different stuff and be genuinely interested. This is possibly the first time. (Besides teachers.)
And "nana" definitely means "banana."
I asked Leia if she would like a banana and she replied "nana?"
ασπρομαυρο φορεμα μακρυ
4 years ago
I am always here. As much as I hate talking on the phone, you are the one person that I wish I could talk to at times. We should come up with something.
Carrie you should buy a web cam. We have one and they are great. They are only about 20.00. Just a thought.
You are definitely someone that I know I can count on, and someone that I depend on.
You are a fantastic friend and completely honest, and a great mom!
Swedes are a different breed, they aren't like us (not like Americans), and it takes some getting used to.
I smiled at an old man on the street today when I was walking Leia to daycare, and he.. gave me a strange look..
People here don't smile..
Although Åmål is a different kind of place all in its own. No place is like Åmål - no place is as horrid. :P There is even a movie about how awful it is, very popular movie, called "Fucking Åmål" or the American title is "Show Me Love." (Although the movie was filmed in a neighboring town, where I gave birth, Trollhättan.)
People were much friendlier, kinder and more open in Nyköping.. Ahh.. but now I am rambling.. :T
Swedes won't communicate with people they don't know. It is hard to get used to and so very sad. It makes for a lonely life! But someone has to make the first move - so don't give up, after you've smiled at him about 100 times he just might smile back!
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