Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cold hearted?

Octuplets' mom seeks online donations

(CNN) -- Nadya Suleman, the single mother of newborn octuplets, is using the Internet to help support her family of 14 children. She's started a Web site seeking donations.

The Web site features pictures of a rainbow, child's blocks and all eight of Suleman's newborns. Also prominently displayed on the Web site is a prompt for visitors to make a donation, noting that the "proud mother of 14" accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal.

Suleman, 33, had the octuplets through fertility treatments, despite already having six young children and no clear source of income.

Suleman said she plans to go back to college to pursue a degree in counseling, NBC reported. She also said all 14 children have the same biological father, a sperm donor whom she described as a friend.

Maybe I'm being cold hearted, but.. does she really deserve donations?!

Unemployed. Single. Already has 6 children, and on purpose has 8 more... and then has the nerve to ask other people to fund her and her children's survival??



Anonymous said...

I agree with you. The doctor who did the implanting should be jailed!! He did all 14 of them. He is being investigated. The taxpayers will have to support them. Heard today that she is getting $700plus per child per month. Nice way to make a living,huh?

The McDonald's said...

I can't stand the media coverage on this woman. Mother's across the U.S. are also sending her their extra breast milk so that it can be fed to the babies because she can't do it...can you believe that?! I hope the Dr loses his liscense to practice.

Hillary said...

Here there are only a few news articles that have been translated from English. Otherwise no one really cares.. but everyone thinks she is insane....

People here think the babies are cute and assume the mom has lots of love to give, but don't really realize how much she is 'mooching' off the system.