Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blåste ner i havet – dog

Blåste ner i havet – dog

Publicerad: 2009-02-19

Pappan kysste sin älskarinna – då föll barnvagnen i vattnet

LONDON. Barnen satt fastspända i sin barnvagn på promenaden vid havet.

När pappa Andrew släppte taget i några sekunder för att kyssa sin älskarinna tog vinden vagnen och barnen hamnade i det iskalla vattnet.

Rebecca, 2, dog.

Andrew Hopper tog med sin arbetskollega – och älskarinna – på en promenad vid havet i brittiska Folkestone när olyckan inträffade.

Både han och älskarinnan dök genast i vattnet för att lossa barnen från vagnen och få upp dem på land. Sex förbipasserande slängde sig också i vattnet för att rädda barnen.

Var blå
Rebecca, 2, och lillebror Lewis, åtta månader, var alldeles blå när de kom upp. De kördes med helikopter till sjukhus i London men Rebeccas liv kunde inte räddas. Hon dog av kylan, skriver Daily Mail.

– Hon var så söt och underbar och vi älskar henne så mycket, säger föräldrarna Andrew och Sarah.

Fyllde år nästa vecka
Mamma Sarah var helt ovetandes om sin makes affär med kollegan.

Rebecca skulle ha firat sin tredje födelsedag nästa vecka.

Nu planerar föräldrarna hennes begravning och vakar vid brodern Lewis sjuksäng. Hans tillstånd är stabilt och han förväntas bli återställd.

”Tragisk olycka”
Vid den engelska kusten är det vanligt med promenadstråk mot vattnet utan räcken.

– Det var en tragisk olycka. Vagnen gled bara iväg på en lutande del av gångvägen, säger barnens farfar Barry Hopper.

Article Source (including a picture of the little girl)

My best to translate:

Blew into the ocean - died

Publicerad: 2009-02-19

Papa kissed his lover – then the stroller fell in the water

LONDON. The children sat connected in their stroller during a walk by the ocean.

When the father, Andrew, let go of the stroller for a few seconds to kiss his lover, the wind pulled the stroller and the children landed in the ice cold water.

Rebecca, 2, died.

Andrew Hopper took his work colleague - and lover - on a walk by the ocean in the Brittish Folkestone, when the accident happened.

Both he and his lover immediately dove into the water in order to disconnect the children from the stroller and get them back on land. Six people passing by also dove into the water to save the children.

Was blue
Rebecca, 2, and little brother Lewis, eight months, were nearly blue when they came up. They were taken by helicopter to a London hospital but they couldn't save Rebecca's life. She died of the cold, writes Daily Mail.

"She was so cute and wonderful and we love her so much," said the parents Andrew and Sarah.

Birthday next week
The mother Sarah was completely unaware of her husband's affair with his colleague.

Rebecca would have had her third birthday next week.

Now the parents are planning her funeral and sit beside brother Lewis's hospital bed. His condition is stable and is expected to fully recover.

"Tragic accident"
Beside the English coast it is common to not have a railing along the walking paths.

"It is a tragic accident. The stroller only glided away on an inclined part of the pathway," says the children's grandfather Barry Hopper.


Anonymous said...

This is so sad. The daughter paid with her life for her father's indescretions:(

Hillary said...

I got sick to my stomach when I read this and I had to share it.

Not only did he lose his daughter, but now I'm sure his wife and son as well.