Leia's new favorite word to say: "Mina!" (mean-A)
Which is the plural form of "mine." :) A very easy word for her to pick up from daycare. 12 other children running around saying "Mine. Mine. Mine!" But in Swedish of course. :)
She will sometimes say "Min-mina." Double emphasis maybe has more effect??
She will also say "hi." :))
She is "arguing" more with us. And she has horrible temper tantrums. :/
If you don't let her do what she wants, even if that includes not putting the outlet in her mouth, she will start screaming and lay down on her stomach and refuse to move. :/ She has a very, very strong will, which she's always had.
This is just the beginning..... :/
I can't wait to see the things she manages to come up with.
This morning when I was drying my hair - Leia managed to reach off the dining table and get her milk cup from breakfast. She took out the straw and dumped all her milk onto the couch..
Good times..
ασπρομαυρο φορεμα μακρυ
4 years ago
She is very lively!!! The fun is just beginning!!!
Let me be the first to welcome you to the beginning of Toddler-hood!! I hear or see something new from Trenton everyday and he's almost 5. Trenton has some MAJOR tantrums as well and watch out if he doesn't get his way...so I understand what you are going through...I think.
Lillie has seemed to pick it up as well...she is very colicy (spelling?) at times and fights sleep in the evening. She is still not setting a schedule for herself which is frustrating as well. The only thing I can almost guarantee is that she will eat about every 3 hrs.
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