I cried last Thursday when I left Leia at daycare.. :T
It came quite unexpectedly. I felt a little silly and realized that I
really miss her when I leave her. She is so much fun to have around and now since I have no school or work things to work on now - that I get pretty lonely when she is at daycare. It didn't help that right before that, when they said "Say goodbye to Mommy," that she turned around and ran to me with arms stretched and wanted in my lap - and didn't want me to leave. Then I left and didn't get but 4 feet from the daycare and started tearing-up.
I've had difficulty trying to figure out what to do with my time now. I have a "little" volunteer pet-project that I'm working on for the moment. So that is keeping me busy. But that will eventually come to an end and then I don't know what I'm going to do.. :T
I've decided: No more school.
I started school when I was 4. I've gone to school continuously, since then, for the last 25 years of my life. I'm finished.
Having said that, I know I'll probably end up back at school before too long.......
So I don't know what to do.. :/ :(
It makes me want to keep Leia home all the time with me. Then I try to remind myself that she is going so that she can interact with other children and adults, not just so that I have time to myself or to get things done.
Talking about interactions:
Fredrik stayed home from work this morning because he had to take his work car in for its scheduled check-up.
So he got to take Leia to daycare this morning. :) Which is good for both of them. :) I made him ask them if she interacts well with the other children, since we had the nose-biting incident. I wanted to make sure she is kind and behaves well. They said she is very good, for the interaction this age group has with each other.
One of them had mentioned to me though, that Leia has a little best friend at daycare. :)) The little girl, Elenor. She is maybe 2 months older than Leia. Elenor has now also learned how to say Leia's name and she always asks for her and they are always together. :)
It was really nice having Fredrik home from work today. He didn't go in until 11. So we had a little (quite) time to ourselves.
There is no way I would take Leia from her daycare time. She is learning so much so quickly. I was just going through words and I said "apple" and she just said it right after me as if she's been saying it for years. She also now says "baaanana" or "bnana." :)) She also says "apa" (ape). She tries to say "couch" but it comes out as "ouch." :)) If there is a word that you say that she can't repeat, she will make the same amount of pretend noises in the same amount of syllables with the same tone. :)
Her climbing has gone full-force. She will soon be able to pull herself up onto the couch, which we aren't encouraging her to learn. :P We are ignoring it at the moment.
But that is enough for tonight.. :P
Just about 21.30 and I am getting tired.
Leia's favorite place to read her books.
It takes her a good 5 minutes to get situated in the space, so that her butt fits and she can open her book.