Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good luck, Carie!

Today, in the US, one of my best friends, Carie, is going to be going into the hospital. She is 8 months, 1 week pregnant (still 3 weeks to go). If the baby is well developed today (most importantly the lungs), then they are going to induce Carie, so that the baby girl, Lillie, will be born early. Carie is carrying a lot of amniotic fluid, and it keeps increasing. Lillie is already 7 pounds (3,15kg), with the possibility of getting 3 pounds (1,4kg) heavier in the next weeks. So we are hoping that all goes well for Carie today. I'm sure she is anxious and nervous and very willing to have Lillie show up early. :)

What a fantastic Christmas present for Carie and her family! :)

1 comment:

The McDonald's said...

Hey Hillary, thank you so much!!:)) I love you guys so much. Everything went well, but the lungs are not developed enough for my Dr. Lillie would have to stay in the NICU if she was born today. So we are home, but going back in on Sunday night to get meds to get me ready because she IS inducing me on Monday morning. She's not willing to let me go past that point because of the chances of my water breaking outside of a hospital. I will be 37 weeks on Friday, which is full term and the lungs will be better off then. We will of course keep everyone posted. Love you all!!