Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Growing up.

Leia is growing up, that is for sure. She's getting taller and smarter every day. Her vocabulary is finally increasing! She has added new words to her vocabulary.

Older words:
- Tack / tack tack (thank you)
- Goo guu (good girl)
- Mamma
- Dadd-dee (daddy)

New words:
- Titta (look)
- Va? (Vad = what)
- Baabaa (bada = bathe)

Her vocabulary is mostly Swedish, which is to be expected. Especially since she has started daycare. That is a pretty good vocabulary I think, at this point, for a bilingual child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is growing up. It is too fast as far as we are concerned!! She is getting so tall:)