We have Comedy Central in Sweden now. :) Fredrik and I were pretty excited, until we realized the show line-up. They don't show Comedy Central's productions, but bad Network sitcoms. Everynow and then they will show a comedian or SouthPark, but it is mostly bad sitcoms that should never have been produced in the first place.
We did some grocery shopping this morning. Bulk shopping.
Swedes aren't bulk shoppers. Fredrik doesn't understand it. But I think he is starting to get the concept (I hope). Especially since we have a huge freezer in the cellar and a large cellar pantry.
I would give anything for a Sam's in Sweden. :((
Or even Girl Scout Cookies. :P
Hmmm.. It snowed all day but it was too warm, slightly above freezing, so none of it stuck to the ground. But it is slushy and nasty. :/ If it is going to snow all day - I would rather it stick to the ground!
Today I worked a lot on my classes. I have decided that for the children's class, I will stick to one theme per class. The classes are only 1 hour, so there is only so much we can do. The children are supposed to learn through songs, drawing and activities. So.. I am centering a major craft around every theme. For the first class, we will do the English alphabet, and I will have a premade alphabet book for all the children that they will be able to sit and color after we've gone through the pronunciation.
I am wanting to do a craft that they can take home and keep, to look at with their parents and continue practising. The 2nd class would be on the 14th, Valentine's Day. So I am going to have them do a cute crepe-paper heart craft. No real connection with this craft - but they can write something in English on it and give it to their moms or something like that. Then for the 3rd class they are going to make cut-out ice cream cones. Each scoop will be a different color and they will glue them together.
I've already made my ice cream cone and I'm almost done coloring my alphabet book.. :D And I made some number flashcards. I just need to laminate them so that I can get plenty of use out of them. I will make my crepe-paper heart tomorrow. :P
I figure a plan for 3 classes is good for now - until I know if I am going to be having the class or not. :P Depending on how many sign up. There will be 8 class meetings total.
Tomorrow I hope to work more and maybe finish up the starting stuff for the children's class and then do plenty of work for the adult classes. But since the classes will be about the same thing: conversation. I just need to make one lesson plan for both classes, so that will be nice.
Fredrik still doesn't know who his new workmate will be. He thought he would have known by Tuesday, but I guess they haven't decided yet. He has been very, very busy. Lots to do. :/
He did get a call from one of his ex-workmates from Nyköping! The guy, who had his own firm and was a consultant, is going to be in the area next week. He told Fredrik that his old company, Skanska, is in a lot of trouble in Nyköping. If they don't get one of the projects that they are up for - then they are going to be in a lot of trouble. They can't keep a measurer since Fredrik left. They've gone through 3 different people in the last 20 months since Fredrik left. So.. probably a good idea that Fredrik switched jobs.
1 comment:
Love, Love, Love these pictures!!!!! Can't believe she has 12 teeth now. Her smile looks a little different now with the 8 teeth in front.I know you are excited about your classes. We are excited for you!!!!
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