Monday, August 11, 2008

Feeling lonely.

Fredrik went back to work today. And I miss him terribly. :(
Leia and I haven't been by ourselves in 2 months. :/ And before that, Fredrik had Pappa-leave on Mondays, and he had so many extra holiday-days that he was home almost a whole week or two before my parents showed up. So it will take some getting used to.

Leia is sleeping now. :) Like clockwork, she has her 9 AM nap. And she'll sleep for usually about 2 hours. Then she sleeps around 14-14.30, and sleeps almost another 2 hours.

She's.. become strangely difficult the last few weeks. :/ Annoyingly difficult. It seems as if she is going through her "terrible two's."

She spits her food. It is for entertainment purposes on her part. And it is difficult to teach an almost 10 month old that you aren't supposed to do that. She does it with food she likes and dislikes, and even when she is hungry. So it is just to be defiant. So, we give her 2 warnings and explain why she can't spit her food and then the 3rd time we take her food away and tell her she can't have any more. Tough for a 10 month old? :/ We don't know what else to do about it. It causes her to get a bit cranky and grumpy before the next meal time. But hopefully she will get out of it quickly enough. :/

She is worse with Fredrik. She will eat more with me before she starts to spit, and she listens better when I tell her to not do it. She won't eat at all with him: with a spoon or her bottle. :/ With the bottle she starts screaming and screaming. :/ No idea why. So it is annoying for all of us. :/

Her 3 top teeth are coming in more and more. :) She looks very silly. :) I don't think she likes them, though. :/
She has been pretty cranky lately, so we hope that it is because of the teeth.

She gets very, very angry at things, even her toys.
This morning she was holding two plastic toy coins, and she was trying to do something with them, even though I have no idea what she was trying to do, but she kept screaming at them. She would hold one in each hand, and then put them both in the same hand, and wait and then she would scream at them and throw them on the floor. :/ NO idea what that was about, but she gets.. very frustrated very easily and she has a horrible temper. :/ Especially if she doesn't get what she wants.

She likes to throw things on the floor as hard as she can. :/ :) A new passtime. She will also point the remote control at the TV and push the buttons to change the channels. She knows which ones to press, and she will watch the TV and watch the picture change. She will hold telephones up to her ear. If you say "where's Leia?" she will pull the closets cloth over her head to play peek-a-boo. And if there is no cloth nearby, she will just throw her arms over her head. :) She turns the pages in her books like a pro and she loves to sit and look at them. When she even gets really into it she will sit at each page and touch different things with her fingers.

She hasn't started walking yet, but she has taken a few steps here and there. :) We also think she is frustrated that she can't walk.

She HATES the gate in the living room - it is her nemisis. She makes a "run" for it if you forget and leave it open, and if you walk in and she sees you close it she starts to scream.

I just hope this is the peak of her "terrible twos" and that she gets better with her temper.. :/

Some pictures from the past week:

Watching Mommy blow-dry her hair. She sat there until she started eating the ficus leaves, then I had to move her.

She's also learned how to take her shirt off by herself. Here she is with one arm out of her sleeve.

We went to Säffle last week to look at a furniture store. Needless to say it was if we had walked into a Persian flea market.. :/ :)) The furniture.. was oversized and very dark. Most everything was used, even if it didn't say so on the tag. We wouldn't have cared to have gotten a used, but there was nothing there for our needs.

But while in Säffle we went to Lindex. We have decided that that is where we will go from now on to buy any baby clothes for Leia. The brand they have here in town is Name It (formerly known as EXIT). It is a Danish brand and very expensive. But that is all they have here, so we were stuck with it. But the drive to Säffle isn't very far, so now we will buy more reasonably priced clothes there. I hate buying such expensive baby clothes that she is going to get so dirty and will use for such a short amount of time. They also now have a KappAhl, which has very reasonably priced children's clothing.

Leia didn't get any clothes on this trip, but she got a cute, green frog. :)

A view of those new teeth.

Anniversary dinner in Åmål with Mamma, Pappa, Farmor o Farfar.

A very tired Leia.

She didn't want to wake up. :/ :))

It has been raining non-stop for almost all last week. It comes and goes and it has been a little cold. We are still very anxious for Fall.

Fredrik is back at work. He wasn't TOO excited to return. :)) He wants more vacation of course. :) It will just take him a couple of days to get back into what he's missed and then I think it will be better. :) He only received 3 work calls during his 4 weeks of vacation! And two of those calls were during his last week. :)

That is all for now.. :P I need to do some dishes and pick up a little of her toys so that I can walk around the living room without killing myself.. :P :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics!! She seems to have grown alot in the last 2 weeks. Her teeth are so cute. Makes her look so much older.