Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A blank canvas.......

(At least it is the only room left in the house that needs to be completely renovated - so if she is going to color on the walls, she at least chose the right room!) And this is just a little segment, she has completely colored around the entire room........ Half the room is purple, the other half is orange.


mormor said...

Would you really want to paint over her masterpieces??? Which room is this?

The McDonald's said...

It was only time I guess. They actually make this paint for the wall that becomes a calkboard, I considered it in our playrm for a while but never did it. Good thing it's a rm that needs renovated like you said. Hope all is well.

Hillary said...

Mom: It is the small dining room off from the kitchen. And yes, we have to redo the room - I don't think crayon-colored walls would be a strong selling point for the house.

Carie: When Leia gets a little older, we are going to make a big square in her room, painted on the wall, with the chalk-paint. They actually sell that here!! :)) But first we need her to understand where she can and can not color. :))

Things are going well - some things are improving but others are not. It is just a waiting game!