Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer house.

We went to the summer house on Thursday, since Fredrik had the day off, and Farmor and Farfar were there for a visit. (Thursday was a "red day" - or a holiday day in Sweden.) Fredrik would have had Friday off as well, but he just had too much work to do, so he went in and worked for most of the day. Then we went again today, to spend another day there.

So, of course, I have tons of pictures. :))

Fika #1

Fika #2

Leia napped very well on both days! She slept in a "big girl bed" both days! Her first time. :)

Some pictures from today:

So we haven't done much the last few days. Lots of driving. Lots of running around outside. Farmor fixed some very yummy food for us.

Tomorrow the plan is to try to clean up the house plenty before our trip next Saturday. And I am going to try to make as many quiche as I can, to put in the freezer.

I am still sick. :( Not very much fun. I have no energy at all, and tonight I have a bit of a fever. So I am hoping to sweat it out tonight, and feel better tomorrow.

Also might try to start planning our packing for our trip. Next Saturday we are leaving for Stockholm, and then our flight leaves on Monday. Crazy how quickly time has gone by. Still not sure how many suitcases we are going to take with us. Need to figure out how much stuff for Leia we should take on as carry-on baggage.

I haven't really thought or worried about how she'll be on the flight. If she does cry or complain about something, it is usually pretty easy to get her over it, but that is usually after some horrible screaming and crying. :/ :) We are NOT going to be popular, but not much we can do about that.

Okay, now I need to sleep. :( Very, very tired.


mormor said...

The pictures are so wonderful it is hard to comment. She is beautiful!!!Sorry you are still sick. Anxious for you all to arrive!!!

The McDonald's said...

I'm not going to be popular either...I have a teething 4 mo old who is very hard to calm down. See u later.