Saturday, May 30, 2009

4 Generations.

This morning we left only 15 minutes later than planned! (A new record maybe!) Especially considering how much we had to do. Not only to pack to leave for this weekend and for our flight to the US, but to have to empty the living room and clean it. They are definitely fixing it while we are away (the fireplace), but we don't know when. But it should only take a week. We are SO excited to have it be fixed. But last night when we started emptying the living room, we decided to switch the living room and dining room. At least give it a chance and see how we like it.

The day in pictures::

A stop for lunch at the Swedish hamburger chain, mAx.

Leia isn't so fond of french fries.

With final approval from Pappa, Leia got to play in the balls for a few minutes. She loved it!! :)

A stop at Leia's great-grandfather's apartment. He was very surprised and happy to see us!

Much faster to eat with two hands than one!!

Munching on grapes.

Quality time with great-grandpa.

Yummy milk!

Taking out the trash with Farmor.

She's a fast little devil.

Yummy water!

4 generations.

A stop along the road for a snack.

Running around in Farmor and Farfar's yard.

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