Leia is drawing our patience thin.
We are completely tired of her and her behavior.
All she does is scream all day long.
For awhile it had gotten better, then it was slowly going downhill again, and now it has hit rock bottom like it has been most of her life.
She just screams all the time, she is angry and aggressive.
We honestly don't know what to do about it.
About 2 weeks ago she started coughing and it slowly kept getting worse. On Tuesday they called me after a couple hours of daycare to come and pick her up, because she was just coughing all the time and I don't think they wanted to deal with it. So we kept her home last week and told them she'll come back after she stops coughing. Fredrik called the BVC and the nurse called Leia's pediatrician and he gave her a prescription for some cough medicine. It has gotten a little better, and the cough is much looser, which doesn't really mean anything - because we want to know why she has the cough in the first place.
So she is coughing and gagging .. and screaming.
She is sleeping a lot.. But last night she didn't sleep at all, she tried - but kept waking up every 10-30 minutes standing in her bed screaming like crazy.
She won't eat anything. She acts hungry, and she is hungry - because she tries like mad to climb into her high chair (barnstol), but she won't eat anything. The "good days" are the days I can get her to drink.
She has had one tooth poke through the top, and the other 3 front ones are looking like they are trying to come in as well. Which makes her angry and all that. But she is just SO excessive. And I don't get a break from it at all, and Fredrik gets a bit of a break at work. But we are so tired of it. She is NEVER happy. She just walks around screaming.
She'll hand me something and I don't know what she wants me to do with it, so I'll just do different things with it. She starts screaming because I'm not doing the right thing and then she grabs it from me and then throws it at me very hard. She is incredibly aggressive with us and very violent. Sometimes what she throws is books, and it can really hurt. :/
Most of the time she is laying on the floor screaming non-stop. On Friday she screamed from when she woke up in the morning until her nap (4 hours straight).
We try to ignore her, seeing as we can never satisfy her.
But it is getting past the point of being over stressful for us.
It is giving me horrible headaches and making me on edge.
We don't mind her having a bad day or whatnot, as everyone does. And of course she can't express herself -- but we can't deal with her any more. Anything we offer her or give her she takes it and throws it at us.
Even though we have beautiful weather, we have to keep the doors shut, so as to not let everyone hear how loudly she is screaming. We are secretly hoping someone will call Social Services, so maybe Fredrik and I can get a break, and she can scream in someone else's face for awhile. (I have a feeling they would return her very quickly.)
We get very jealous of other parents. Their children sitting still or happily playing .. and then we can't go anywhere because Leia screams no matter what happens. She won't play with her toys or look at her books. She either stands and screams or lays on the floor and screams.
Forget about my Spring Cleaning task - I can't even keep up with the normal housework when she is home from daycare. Now she is home from daycare and I can't keep up with anything.
She is a horror.
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4 years ago
You sound so negative about her. I would never talk about you all that way publicly when you all were growing up. You sound like you hate her or wish you had never had her. I know you will not publish this and will probably get upset with me but you sound terrible with what you are saying. Read what you wrote and imagine someone else is reading it.
We don't hate her - don't be silly.
We are desperate and it is extremely difficult to take care of her when she runs away from us screaming when we try to hold her or comfort her.
She is making it very difficult for us to take care of her and we are experiencing a lot of grief.
Luckily I found a forum and found another mom that shared the same information about her child's behavior, which is the same as Leia's. Even just reading or hearing that someone else has gone through the same exact thing is a little ease of mind.
I am sorry that you think what I am saying is terrible - but so is the situation.
We have gotten to the point where we don't think we can take care of her. Or that we think we are doing a horrible job.
I go all week long thinking that it is ME - until I finally have Fredrik home and she behaves the same with him, and I have at least a little ease knowing that it isn't just me she behaves this way with.
We are desperate and we have no one that can help us. Writing about things and feelings is how some people deal with issues in their lives. Better to write it than keep it bottled in and have it explode.
This is MY blog - to post feelings good or bad. It is your choice to read the bad days or not.
well hillary i hear u loud and clear.
we wanted to just get out of nyköping a few weeks back and just tht about going to ikea in kungens kurva..nothing to shop just a change of scenery. everthing was fine till we got inside and vanya just screamed to be let down to walk by herself...as we had her in the cart. so at first it seemed harmless, then she gave us the devil child look to run and start yanking stuff. ummm yeah..thats not happening. then she sat in this little kid chair that had a table with ceramic cups etc. and i was certain she was going to throw them down. so we said hej då in hopes she would join us but she just said hej då and sat there. needless to say it was not the most enjoyable experience and we ended up..or i shd say JP was holding her kicking and screaming as we tried to find the quickest way out of the store..BIG store. 15 mins in IKEA and straight back home. yup. just drove there and back. waste fuel. yippee!
it was our first time dealing with this tantrumatic beahvior. we decided that its a stage. we can control her only so much. im just going to have to take her around nyköping in her barnvagn and thats going to be the extent of her outdoor activities other than dagis...where they dont complain about her...so i assume she's this way just with us! woo hoo!
so, ive just accepted that im not or we're not going anywhere out with her much or at all. if i need a break i'll go after JP gets home and just cruise the grocery store and revel in the peace and quiet.
this too shall pass...is what i keep telling myself.
took her to my friend teresias house yst and lets just say i dont want to take her back till she's 20.
so..im sure leia too will grow out of this frustrating stage. just sucks really. and no one understands it but the kids parents and no one else should really...is how i look at it. my kid - i deal with it. and u better believe i look at the expressionless swedish kids and wonder why vanya cant be that way...but u know...i'd rather have expression than dead silence.
anyway.hope this helps :)
I love you Yamini!
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