Yesterday we spent some of the day in Nössemark and had Easter dinner with Leia's Farmor and Farfar, Aunt Anna, and cousin Kalle. We had ham, homemade meatballs, little sausages, homemade bread, cheeses and potatoes.
Today we are having an easy day. Cleaning up from Friday's mess (Farmor always brings lots of things that we have to find places for). Tomorrow we are planning on going shopping in Töcksfors, near Norway. We aren't sure yet if we are going.. Leia has been a little weird the last couple of days. She is coughing a lot, and her nose is runny, and she is a bit moody. We think it is a growth thing. So we'll see how she is feeling tomorrow.
Lillie got the same exact Easter basket....funny!!!
Oh, I love these pictures!!! She looks adorable in the dress:) Looks like she had fun while she was there.
How cute!! :)
My parents sent it from the US. Since they don't do Easter baskets here and I wanted her to have one. And this one collapses, so that was important on saving room in a box. :)
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