Sunday, August 02, 2009

Alice, too.

Pictures from a few weeks ago. I am almost caught-up with pictures! I have tried to take very few lately so that I can try to get these finished. :)) I still have to finish putting on the pictures from our trip to the US !! Argh! I'll eventually get through it all.

The weather was beautiful all day yesterday and didn't rain at all. So we were able to work plenty in the yard and Leia got to play with Nils. :) We were finally able to grill for once!

Like I said, here are pictures from a few weeks ago, more towards the beginning of June. Nils' sister, Alice, was here for a visit and she got to join in on the fun!


mormor said...

Alice is cute. how old? I love the hammock pictures!!!

Hillary said...

She is 7 months younger than Leia, so she is about 14 months now I suppose.